Our Mission

Working in partnership with our community and schools to ensure safety, security and confidence through professional police service in the highest standard.

Our Core Values

The Northern Regional Police Department’s Executive Officers and Command staff hold ownership of the culture of our department through enactment, implementation and enforcement of our policies, procedures and rules of conduct. The Northern Regional Police Department’s Promise to our Community is to strive for perfection in the attainment of our core values. Should we fall short of perfection, we have achieved excellence.


“To Protect and Serve” is the hallmark of Law Enforcement tradition. Service to our community with compassion, equality and professionalism is primary; protection of our families, children, schools, businesses and commuters is paramount.


Each officer’s individual professional character defines our department’s character as a whole. This integrity of our department begins with our leaders. Transparency in our goals, virtuousness in our efforts and fairness in our enforcement shall guide our character.


Our recognition that our department’s measure of received respect is only predicated on the level of respect that is given to those we encounter daily shall be our beacon of vision to honor and respect.


To provide the highest standard of law enforcement services to our community through the use of Community Oriented Policing concepts and members who are trained using the highest standards of duty performance.


Trust is the foundation of leadership. We will establish our legacy for the future now in the present with leaders that exemplify competence, connection and character. Northern Regional Police Department members are held to perfection standards in their personal and professional endeavors. Any waiver of that responsibility dictates accountability remediation.